NewsArchaeological treasures have been discovered during North-South construction in the Kochkor Valley.Archaeological treasures have been discovered during North-South construction in the Kochkor Valley. For instance, an ancient burial was uncovered during excavations at the Kyrk-Kyz burial ground near the Kyzart pass. A woman was buried in the center of a stone ring in a special stone box, which was covered with a huge slab. Although the grave appeared disturbed, it contained two gold earrings in the form of large wire rings, one end of which was decorated with spiral cones and stone beads and a strand of horn. These findings are evidence that a woman was buried here. "Similar earrings were previously found, for example, in the Sak barrows of Kazakhstan. On the basis of these analogies, as well as the construction of the barrows, the Kyrk-Kyz burial should be attributed to the VII-IV centuries B.C. A more precise date of the barrow may be suggested after in-depth research and radiocarbon analysis of samples of bones from the barrow," writes the Ministry of Transport. The excavations were conducted by a team of archaeologists from the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University and the State Historical Museum of the Kyrgyz Republic led by Professor Kubatbek Tabaldiyev. They were engaged by the contractor of the North-South Road construction project, which is reconstructing the Epkin-Dyikan road section (km 89+500 - km 159+200). Earlier, a detailed study and survey of the project road section identified 44 objects of historical and cultural heritage (HCH) located in the vicinity of the project road. In accordance with the law "On Protection and Use of the Historical and Cultural Heritage" and the ADB Safeguards Policy Statement a design of protection zones for HCH sites was prepared by the order of the Ministry of Transport.
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